Friday, February 22, 2013

What matters more to you?

I have friends that are gay. I love them. Every single one of them. I don't understand the hatred that comes from so many Christians. I also don't know why anyone has to be defined by their sexuality. Is that really what you're known for? I'm not an eloquent speaker, but Derek Webb (formerly of Caedmon's Call) has become someone I look up to, because he doesn't care what people think. He knows this simple thing: God is LOVE. That's right-LOVE.

He makes some incredible points in this interview (3 parts-all worth listening to):

He wrote a song a few years ago called "What Matters More". I'm sorry (ok, I'm actually not sorry...) if you're offended by this, but I think these lyrics are so fitting:
If I can see what's in your heart
By what comes out of your mouth
Then it sure looks to me like being straight
Is all it's about
It looks like being hated
For all the wrong things
Like chasing the wind
While the pendulum swings

'Cause we can talk and debate
Till we're blue in the face
About the language and tradition
That He's coming to save
And meanwhile we sit
Just like we don't have give a shit about
Fifty thousand people who are dying today
I was watching the above videos and just thought they needed to be shared. Since this is my blog, I'm allowed to post them. :)

I love you all--every single one of you. Even the ones that don't agree with this post ;)

Side note: Derek is happily married with 2 kids. He isn't speaking about this to support his own agenda. He just loves Jesus and wants others to know that Jesus loves them, too. :)

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